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Charities supported

Military Families Fund


Since 2007, the Military Families Fund (MFF) has helped 560 military families and members in times of need. Covering anything from counselling expenses to academic support, the MFF has dished out $800,000 to assist military families where other funding options weren't available.


From the legacy of General Rick Hillier, the MFF was created in response to an outpouring of support from the corporate and private homes across Canada. According to the fund's website, "Many Canadians have approached and asked how they could support our troops and their families in a variety of ways. This fund gives that generosity a home, and will provide us with a unique opportunity to support our families in the dark hours when they call out for help," said Hillier, former Chief of Defence Staff.


The Cadet Youth Program


Help ensure a bright future for Canada and Canadians by supporting the development of Canada’s youth and programs that promote youth development in the areas of citizenship, working with others and leadership.


Many of today’s outstanding Canadians got their start in the cadet program and it is reasonable to assume that a continued vibrant cadet programme that promotes Canadian values will similarly contribute to Canada’s future in all areas of endeavour.


As charitable organizations, The Cadet Leagues of Canada depend on the generosity of Canadians such as yourself. With your support, we can continue to offer our programs in your community.


South East New Brunswick's own Regiment


The 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) is considered one of the longest serving armoured regiment in the Canadian Army.

Originally founded as the New Brunswick Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry in 1848 by the regimentation of a number of independent cavalry troops, the regiment was the first volunteer cavalry regiment in British North America.

The Association of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) was formed in 1973 to preserve and protect the traditions and heritage of the Regiment. The Association holds and preserves items of Regimental historical significance including memorabilia, artifacts, property and copyright of documents. The Regimental Museum is located in the former trainstation Sussex, New Brunswick. The Victorian-era structure houses many of the important artifacts of the museum and is accessible to the general public.


The Association of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s) Inc. is the Trustee of the funds for the Lest We Forget Event.


Federal Charity Registration Number 132003377


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