Atlantic Maple Leaf
Dedicated to raising awareness of the contribution and sacrifice of our men in women in uniform.
AML has served as a catalyst for communities in raising almost $2M for military wounded and their families from generous sponsors and donors in Atlantic Canada. Trustees for the funds raised at these events have included True Patriot Love and the Community Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador.
See below for images from previous events.
St. John's, NL
Gen Thurrott, LFAA Commander Miller Ayre, Dinner Chair Bill Mahoney, Dinner Chair Elisabeth Rybak, Atlantic Chair
Click picture to enlarge
Fredericton, NB
Just one of the reasons why we support our men and women in uniform.
Click picture to enlarge
Halifax, NS
Tribute Dinner Committee
The Honourable John. C. Crosbie
Honorary Chair and Guest Speaker
General Rick Hillier (Ret'd)
Guest Speakers
Warrant Officer Sheldon Herritt, Captain Derek McDonald
Dinner Co-Chairs
William D. Mahoney
Miller Ayre
Atlantic Chair
Elisabeth Rybak
Organizing Committee
Lieutenant Colonel Alex Brennan, Carmella Butland, Marilyn Butland, Jean Dwyer, Jessica Fisher, Derek Hiscock, Sid Hynes, Willis Jacobs, Earl Ludlow, Rob Shea, Charlie Stacey, John Steele, Bruce Templeton, Commander Lawrence Trim
Community Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador Executive Director
Ainsley Dicks
Dinner Director
Pamela McKay

Tribute Dinner Committee
The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick
The Honourable Barbara A. Hagerman, Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island
Guest Speakers
Brigadier-General J.H.Vance, Director General Land Capability Development, Warrant Officer D.M. Verge
Dinner co-Chairs
Elisabeth Rybak
Robert Bateman
Fundraising Chair
John K.F. Irving,
Organizing Committee
Erin Daniels, Sarah Hébert, Elisabeth Rybak, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas A. Weber
True Patriot Love Executive Director
Julie Fotheringham
Dinner Director
Pamela McKay

Tribute Dinner Committee
Guest Speakers
General (Ret’d) Rick Hillier 2Lt Shaun Fevens
Dinner Chairs
George Cooper
The Honourable Myra Freeman
Fred MacGillivray
Atlantic Chair
Elisabeth Rybak
Fundraising Chair
Judith Irving
Table & Ticket Committee Chair
Harry Steele
Organizing Commitee
Cdr Lin Paddock, Elisabeth Rybak, Jennifer Parkhill, Jackie Casey
True Patriot Love Director
Talor Wallace
Dinner Director
Jennifer Parkhill